Sunday, May 19, 2013

10 reasons Amsterdam is GREAT!

10. Pesto Cheese

This cheese was amazing!
It had the great Pesto flavor without being greasy. Genna and I came up with at least 100 ways to eat it. We went back to buy some on our last day and the store was closed. 
Biggest disappointment in Amsterdam. 

9. Trams and their helpful operators

We took the Tram everywhere in Amsterdam. 
The people working on the Trams were exceptionally helpful and friendly. They didn't even roll their eyes when we asked stupid questions or didn't have our money ready to buy our tickets.

8. Queen's Day

 Much to our surprise, Holland crowned their new king (on "Queen's Day") while we were in Amsterdam. The city was full of balloons, enormous crowns, and flags. It made Amsterdam even more memorable. 

7. Urinals

In celebration of the new King the city was in full "Party" mode. All over the city there were these large plastic urinals. They weren't tucked away either. My favorite was a row in front of the Central Station. However, very few port -a- pottys could be found. 

6. Bikes

Bikes, bikes bikes!
Everywhere there were bikes. I was most impressed by parents ability to push/ pull up to 4 kids on one bike! 
5. Canals

Canals are just as much a part of the city as bikes. 
For me, the best part was how everything reflected off the water. It made the city very picturesque.

4. The Heineken Experience

The Heineken Experience was a lot of fun! Very interactive and interesting. 
Oh yeah, and there was beer too!

3. Anne Frank House 

Never before have I felt "History Come Alive" like I did at the Anne Frank House. Walking through the rooms and imagining life in hiding was a powerful experience. I wish everyone could have the opportunity to go there while studying WWII. 

2. Awesome Architecture

I loved the narrow buildings all right on the water. 
So different from all the other cities I've been to so far. 

1. Dutch Tulips! 

The tulips were amazing. 
It is something I recommend to everyone who visits Europe in the spring! 
Looking back at the pictures I realized I was completely exhausted when we were at the tulip gardens, but I didn't even notice at the time. I was so mesmerized by all the flowers. 

Amsterdam is wonderful! 
I could not have had a better time! 

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