Friday, December 14, 2012

The Mexican

Mexican food isn't quite as popular in Poland as it is in The States. 4 tortillas costs about 10 zloty and I have only been to one grocery store that sells taco seasoning. 

Needless to say Genna and I were very excited when we saw a Mexican restaurant the first time we were in Krakow. It didn't workout for us to eat there that time, but Genna and I made a pact that we would go the next time we were in Krakow. 

We went back to Krakow a few weeks later and once again it didn't work out for us to eat there. Both disappointed, we promised we would go next time we were in Krakow. Two weeks ago we took our new roommate Nicole to Krakow and yes we ate at The Mexican! 

After wanting to eat there for nearly two months Genna and I had high hopes for this place. Although it was pretty good it didn't quite meet our expectations. The first sign things weren't going to be exactly what we were hoping was when we got our chips and salsa. Notice the size of chips container. Yes, we got 7 chips. 

Keeping with Polish Tradition Genna's enchiladas were served on sauerkraut! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I ran out of space

I used up all of my free space for pictures. I haven't decided if I should start deleting pictures from past posts, pay for more space or start a new blog. If you have any insight let me know.