After visiting Auschwitz we decided to go to Cieszyn. It was a nice afternoon, Genna and I had never been there and lots of people recommended a "great Mexican restaurant."
We ate first and were reminded you get what you pay for. My whole meal was about 25 zloty or 8 dollars. Needless to say it wasn't very good, but it was still nice to eat out with friends.

After eating we walked around the town.
It was great to be outside and enjoy the spring day.
We walked up to this cool tower. Adrian showed us that it is featured on the 20 zloty note.
Can you see it? Ask Genna how long it took her to see it. : )
Then we walked down to the river. Cieszyn is on the boarder of Poland and Czech Republic. On the middle of the bridge there is a line that divides the counties. As you can see, I enjoyed being in two countries at once.
Saturday was an excellent day with friends!
Thanks Adrian, Iza and Sam!!!
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